Tuesday, November 20, 2018

A Fun Little Video for You Folks!

Once in a while we all need a fun, frivolous, light diversion from all the words and all the serious information that's assaulting our brain nearly non-stop. You probably already know that Funny Biz Speech Writers custom writes the best personalized speeches and roasts for birthdays, weddings, corporate events and other functions, but that doesn't mean you won't enjoy this little cute little piece of eye and ear candy. Enjoy!

Video: What Are The Nuts & Bolts of Comedy Speech Writing?

This video is very helpful to understanding some of the nuts and bolts fine points of comedic speech writing. When it comes to funny presentations, speeches, roasts and other humorous documents to be presented, this short talk by Funny Biz Speech Writers head writer Adam Gropman should prove most informative....

Friday, June 22, 2018

Extraordinarily Extreme Wedding Speech (Video)

Hi! If you have to give a Best Man, Maid of Honor or any other type of wedding speech, first of all, chances are you're thinking about making it a FUNNY wedding speech. That's the way to go, believe me. You can always add the sweet, sentimental, poignant bits to a funny, entertaining wedding speech. But you can't really salvage an over dramatic, maudlin, bluntly sentimental speech with a few gags at the end. It doesn't work that way. It's better to be funny, and be funny often and with precision and power! 

You want your funny wedding speech to stand out and be remembered, raise a few eyebrows, and perhaps take a few fun risks for the sake of humor and entertainment. That being said, you probably don't want your funny wedding speech remembered and talked about for being unique and different in THIS way. Watch and enjoy this very short clip from the funny Kevin Hart movie Wedding Ringers. Enjoy watching people squirm at this guy's awkward funny failure and then feel awesome knowing that for your next event- birthday, wedding, anniversary, bar mitzvah, business gathering, sales meeting, etc- you will hire a very affordable and extraordinarily sharp and funny writer to make you look truly EXTRAORDINARY after giving your funny speech. Not extraordinarily cringe-worthy and weird, just EXTRAORDINARILY GREAT!!


Friday, June 15, 2018

A Fun Article by Funny Biz Head Writer Adam Gropman

Hi, Folks!

Thought you might enjoy this fun, humor-filled article I wrote for the LA Weekly about the strangest, most oddly named cities and towns around Greater Los Angeles. Maybe your town- or a nearby place- has a really weird name? Feel free to share it and let us know! Just as I love to write about strange, unintentionally humorous phenomena all around me, I also love to custom write funny roast speeches for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and for business events. Anyway, enjoy this story!


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

New Intro Video for Funny Biz Speech Writers

Hey, folks! This is the new intro video for Funny Biz Speech Writers. It offers a brief explanation of our funny speech and roast writing services, for private events like birthdays, weddings and anniversaries, and work events like corporate sales division meetings and sales recognition awards. It's also kinda fun to watch. So, enjoy!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Check in with Funny Biz Writers head writer Adam Gropman

Hi! This is Funny Biz Writers head writer Adam Gropman, doing a video check in with you guys, to tell you about some recent clients, and how much we love writing funny material and jokes for them and then hearing back how much their friends, family and associates loved the speech and had a great time! This segment is about a wedding roast speech, and a couple of birthday roast speeches. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Negotiating Traffic In Los Angeles

I live in Los Angeles, and like to go out and do things. As such I am forced to spend large quantities of time on roads and freeways that are often jammed with cars. You see, Los Angeles was basically built as this semi-tropical, utopian fantasyland many decades ago, possibly the first huge city designed as much or more around modern cars, as it was around subways, trolleys, walking or horse-drawn vehicles. LA's system of freeways, augmented by large boulevards and a grid of pleasant streets, allowed easy driving access in a metropolitan area where you'd thinking nothing of driving 20 minutes to visit a friend, dine at a restaurant or go to a job.

But then something not so weird happened- the population grew... and grew... and grew. People moved here from all other parts of the US... and Europe... and other continents. Perhaps even Atlantis, Narnia and Mars. They came for the warm weather and palm trees, the beach lifestyle, the Hollywood glamour; for aerospace jobs, possible entertainment success, or just to escape from their normal, mundane home and reinvent themselves in the bottom left corner of this giant nation. And then all these people multiplied, having enough kids that, when factored in with all the incoming new arrivals, meant that housing was no longer dirt cheap and it could take longer to drive 15 miles across town than it does to fly from Burbank Airport to San Francisco, over 400 miles and a cultural and climactic world away.

Here's the thing about driving through clogged roadways and freeways in LA- you've got to embrace it, accept it, make it your friend. If not, the level of rancor and bitter hatred coursing through your veins will certainly lead to disturbing physiological effects like acid reflux, insomnia and a semi-successful standup comedy career.

I like to play fun games with myself when sitting on a freeway, doing perhaps 5 to 25 miles an hour for a 10 mile stretch. While the games can be internal to your own mind, not involving your surroundings- like alphabetizing all of your friends, recalling all the times you were late to work and got yelled at, or mentally cataloging the times you dined at a restaurant that cost more than $25 per person (sadly few), that's a waste of an intensely vibrant, dynamic and colorful environment-- the middle of an LA traffic jam. 

One game I don't really like to play but my subconscious mind forces on me is "Who's Got a Gun?" You guessed it, it involves looking into other cars and trying to guess who might have a loaded handgun- or rifle if it's a larger vehicle- at the ready. After making the initial guess as to who might have a deadly weapon within arm's reach, you then guess "How likely / quickly would they be to use it?" Are they more of an absolute-last-ditch, gun doesn't come out unless it's a carjacking or aerial attack by North Korean paratroopers, or are they more of an impetuous, jumpy, pull out the Glock over a sideways look in traffic types? This game ends when A.) you get bored, B.) you get to your destination or C.) somebody pulls and waves a gun at you.

Another fun game is called "What Are They Listening To?" The adjacent folks in traffic- are they listening to rap, jazz, Country Western, oldies, classical, talk or sports? You can try to guess based on their bodily rhythms and head movements, but it's often tough. Unless they have those gargantuan 808 bass speakers and are cranking hip hop. Then it's easy to know, because your own car and body are vibrating violently enough to loosen a tooth filling and scramble your brain.      

The final game I recommend while stuck in LA traffic is "Are They Flirting With Me?" Car-to-car flirting can take many forms and styles. And, by the way, yes married people or those in serious relationships are still allowed to play this game. What happens on the horrible freeway stays on the horrible freeway! Did the person in the next lane give you an extra long glance when you let them in? Did they turn to stare at you then turn away immediately when you looked back? Did they seemingly ignore you completely, or appear to not register your existence at all, staring straight ahead? All three of these scenarios likely equal that they are madly in love- obsessed really- and it's time to get out of there and take an exit. It might feel thrilling but you don't need that kind of psychotic drama and romantic complications in your life. The only thing you should be falling in love with right now is driving in LA.          

Monday, February 12, 2018

Politics Needs Humor More Than Ever

As if the political landscape wasn’t contentious and conflict-ridden enough to begin with, we are now in a time where political discussions and arguments can instantly turn into raw, ugly strife and ad hominem recriminations. One possible antidote to this unpleasantness is the use of intelligent, well-crafted humor in political messaging. A deft comedic touch when advertising a candidate or projecting a political platform or issue can make the listener more open and receptive to the underlying message, and more generally appreciative of the “opponent” even if the views aren’t agreed with. The right kind of humor can lessen animosity and contribute to a kinder, gentler society.

Funny Biz Speech Writers has written jokes for a major presidential candidate for their appearance on a late night TV talk show and a video script for a statewide political candidate creating their first commercial. We have also written roasts of and by major politicians- current and retired- performed at well-attended gala events. Whether you are a political consultant, a candidate or someone involved in a political issue or event that needs to get the message out- by newspaper, online or in live speeches- a seasoned, versatile comedy writer with real-world experience can craft the kind of appropriate-yet-laugh-out-loud material that wins hearts and minds and equals votes. Now that’s just good common sense!

Monday, January 29, 2018

The Key to a Great Keynote Speech

A keynote speech is a powerful thing. It's a reproducible, universally applicable presentation that inspires, educates, coaches and, perhaps most important, entertains. There are so many group environments and milieus which need great keynote speeches, whether they be corporate, small business affiliated, tied into special interest groups, governmental or what have you. Whether you are already pursuing a keynote speech endeavor, have a successful keynote-delivering business or are just thinking of entering the keynote arena now, there is almost undoubtedly room to up your keynote game and make your keynote speech the most powerful, unforgettable and outstanding live (or filmed) experience it can be.

The not so secret weapon in a fantastic, Grade A keynote speech, regardless of the environment or audience? Humor! Sharp, original, contextually appropriate humor. Whatever your keynote speech is about- be it computer software, banking, outdoor adventuring or international infrastructure development- a tightly written speech with crisp pacing, plenty of personality and tantalizingly interesting sidebars and real-world examples, and JOKES. A whole bunch of laugh-out-loud punchlines. It's been proven in studies, as well as obvious anecdotal experience, that a strong sense of humor mixed into a speech, be it inspirational, educational, or for training purposes, makes the audience members want to hear what's coming next, personally like the speech giver, and remember the contents of the speech. For a keynote speech specialist this is pure gold.

It takes absolutely nothing away from a great keynote speech deliverer to get some help with their keynote from a seasoned professional comedyspeech writer. A corporate comedy specialist with a background in comedy in an entertainment context is a good bet to add the kinds of sharp, effective funny lines that will turn a pretty good keynote into a sparkling diamond that will get the highest reviews, the best word of mouth an the most re-bookings.

In this era of edutainment- yup, that's actually a popular term!- make sure you have the entertainment mixed in with your education. And that means making them laugh in order to be taken seriously.  

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Raising The Bar on Bar & Bat Mitzvah Speeches

A lot of importance and ceremony is put on Bar or Bat Mitzvahs these days. Well, there probably has been for thousands of years, but now there's more emphasis on the after party, the large large social event, a gregarious gathering of friends and family where fun and good cheer becomes as important as the solemn, millennia-old religious ritual welcoming a child into adulthood.

Families spend on the meals, the appetizers, the DJ, the photographer and videographer, the live musical entertainment, the decorations, the location, the take-home gifts, the service staff and more. It is well advised to consider paying less than the cost of the first appetizer plate for a custom written funny Bar/Bat Mitzvah speech- which can be in the form of a special blessing speech or a candle lighting ceremony speech- to be delivered by a parent or other relative or the Bar/Bat Mitzvah boy or girl themselves. Invariably someone or even multiple people give a very personal speech to all who are gathered at a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. The speeches usually contain earnest, heartfelt facts or feelings about the Bar/Bat Mitzvah boy or girl, but what they usually lack is humor.... surprise... true fun and entertainment value.

If the food, drink, environment, guest list and everything else are stellar, why wouldn't you want the Bar/Bat Mitzvah speech to be exceptional, captivating and (appropriately) hilarious? The Torah is quite a serious document, but your Bar/Bat Miztvah speech doesn't have to be!

For the best custom written, totally personalized funny Bar or Bat Mitzvah speech, contact Funny Biz Writers

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Using Sharp, Engaging, Funny Online Content

I've got good news and bad news for business owners when it comes to maintaining a widely projected and effective brand in today's marketplace. Whereas the Internet didn't even exist, for all intents and purposes, just a few decades ago, today online is the ubiquitous platform where people search for products and services and where products and services aggressively make themselves known to consumers and clients. Businesses do it through content-rich websites, thorough social media pages, captivating tweets and postings, bountiful blogs and all sorts of other formats and applications on the Web. The bad news is, if you own a business- large or small- you will almost certainly need to be maximizing and optimizing your Internet presence if you aren't already. The good news is, that such activity does not have to cost an arm and a leg. In fact, due to the nature of the online world and the types of content to which people gravitate, what content you don't do yourself (or have your in-house staff handle for you) you could probably get done for a mere small toe or rarely used back tooth. What's important is finding the correct and necessary mix of quantity and quality in your content.

The currently hot term “content marketing” refers to the creation and posting by businesses- usually on their websites or blogs to start- of helpful, informative, conversational, rather deep analyses into topics and issues which are likely of interest to potential customers of their product or service. This type of content is not just an ad or a sales blurb for a specific thing they're selling. It's more like an article you'd find in a magazine or online periodical. It covers a topic more generally and cares value for the reader completely separate from whether or not they buy a certain product. It enriches, edifies and often entertains, giving the reader something highly beneficial to take with them regardless of whether they become a client or customer.

For instance, a dog food company may offer high-quality content on its site about maintaining a dog's coat, proper canine dental care, and ideas for vigorous exercise outings for dogs with their owners, and while such content may indirectly lead a customer to the purchase of their dog food, each of those articles is excellent and useful free information the reader can take with them no matter what dog food they buy, and even if they buy no dog food at all, but instead make their own. In a sense, this kind of free-standing marketing content represents a welcome burst of integrity and principles into the world of commerce and consumerism.

Businesses today are encouraged to create a community of meaning and affinity and with that comes a lot of freely offered content that can be advisory, enlightening, technical, inspiring or even really funny. Even if the business doesn't directly mention or link to their own products or services in the content piece, it is thought that by winning the trust and good will of the reader with such valuable words, images or video, the reader is likely to feel warmth and loyalty toward the brand and its products or services in the future. Either way, there is often a real integrity within content marketing to make the content really good for its own sake, to have the content live up to standards found in journalism and publishing.

Another potentially powerful area that even businesses without huge manpower or budgets can readily compete for eyeballs is social media. Informative, clever, provocative or funny tweets, Facebook posts or Instagram photo-captions can create a growing following and draw in new people from the social media stream who happen upon them.

An excellent and highly advantageous tool to use in both your content marketing pieces and your social media is humor. Sharp, topical, appropriate humor cuts through the sea of boring, dry, technical or serious sales-driven content out there, and wins over viewers who are potential clients or customers. When a brand uses humor, it wins good will from readers and offers something that's entertaining, fun and likable as opposed to the old arm-twisting hard sell. Look at incredibly successful brands like Snapple, Trader Joe's, Dollar Shave Club and State Farm. Whether right on their products, in their online or hard paper content, on their social media, or in their TV commercials, they present their serious products (beverages, groceries, shaving tools, insurance) with a whimsical and enjoyable sense of humor. They don't take themselves or their product too seriously, and yet through a deft combination of funny and informative, we end up having a better idea of the details of what they're offering and we actually trust them more.

If creating sharp, cutting-edge humorous content marketing and social media feels out of the grasp of you or your employees, it would be extremely well worth it to hire a proven professional who can create this content for you, thus elevating your brand and increasing your revenues.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Maids of Honor - Grab the Spotlight!

It seems like Best Mans (Best Men?) get the lion's share of the attention and glory so much of the time at weddings and that's just not fair. The ladies are just as able at delivering an hilarious, touching, provocative personalized speech as the boys are. It's time that even more of these very important women take advantage of their time in the wedding spotlight and deliver the Maid of Honor speech that steals the thunder in the room and leaves everyone gasping, surprised and laughing.

While the privilege and responsibility of the Maid of Honor includes being there for the bride, offering support and whatever small errands may make the bride's life easier on this big day, the occasion to speak in front of the entire wedding party holds the largest opportunity for fun and excitement. That's why the Maid of Honor should take the time to write a funny, personalized speech about the bride, possibly also including the groom and other friends and family members.

The funny Maid of Honor speech is ideally a 7-10 minute “This is your life” speech about the bride, covering her life from childhood through current adulthood, with inside information about her school years, academics, sports activities, social connections, college years, career trajectory and dating life up through meeting the groom. The ideal funny Maid of Honor speech makes frequent punchlines out of the bride's strengths and weaknesses, her likes and dislikes, and includes notable anecdotes for her life. It is highly personalized yet easily understood by people in attendance who don't know the bride very well. It has poignant passages and yet it is often laugh out loud funny.

Considering the size and scope of many weddings, and the expenses outlaid for this monumental day, it is often well worth if for the Maid of Honor to pay a proven professional comedy speech writer to custom write her funny wedding speech. A seasoned professional comedy writer specializing in speech writing can immediately cut to the most entertaining, relevant facts and can craft sharp, precise jokes that hit like the strongest standup comedians seen on TV, all but guaranteeing that the entire wedding is a hit. Nothing will bring tremendous honor to the Maid of Honor more than delivering a knockout hilarious speech.