Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Messaging is (Almost) Everything

You work in manufacturing. Or medical technology. Or law. Or accounting. Or high tech / computer software in Silicon Valley. Or advertising. Or banking. Or politics. Or the non profit world. Whichever it is, your messaging is an essential part of your business. Messaging enables you to speak to customers' needs. Messaging enables you to draw business collaborators and partners. Messaging enables you to attract, keep and cultivate the best employees who, in turn, enable you to be a winning business or organization. But what constitutes great messaging?

You understand the facts of your business- the nuts and bolts, what you offer and what makes it run. But are you an expert when it comes to communicating in a way that wins people over to you and your product- regardless of the specifics of your product? As well as you are doing now, imagine you and your business attached to a completely winning, unstoppable message?

Ever meet someone, in a store, a cafe, on the sidewalk, in a park, at a party, and say “What a great guy/gal? They're fun to be around, and they make me feel lighter and just better about everything being around them.” Is it always because they have technical expertise or valuable products or investible capital? No, often none of the above. It's because they just relate well in human terms. They make all things seem possible, they put the world in perspective and they are entertaining. And that usually involves the use of humor. You see, humor brings together intelligence with surprise and a defiant sense of optimism- all very attractive traits to humans.

You have to create marketing and advertising materials. You have to do a lot of product copy writing, whether it's for the website description, the paper & ink catalog or the physical label on the product. Look at the companies that have integrated humor, or at least personality- into their business plan: Vitamin Water, Dollar Shave Club, Trader Joe's, Groupon, State Farm- the list goes on and on. Think of how the simple addition of a little bit of levity, a self-effacing comment, a surprisingly “honest” product description makes a company seem more human, more trustworthy, more caring for you, the potential or actual customer.

Using humor in copy writing and marketing makes a company seem a lot less desperate for your money and a lot more confident and principled. Now there's a big word- principles!

Just as your external messaging to your customer base can be radically improved by incorporating a lighter, more human touch – humor- so can your internal messaging- be it company speeches, industry-wide presentations, the entertainment at social gatherings, in-house newsletter, etc- be drastically improved to noticeable affect by using some well-placed levity.

Just as the layperson out on the street would be penny wise and pound foolish to try to build their own medical device or program their own software application, you need to utilize the strongest, most experienced and specialized messaging specialists, in order to harness the power of humor and entertaining language. Top professionals wield a laser-like way with words and imagery, and are able to have a crowd feeling warm with recognition one moment, lightly amused the next, and falling down laughing in hysterics after that. Every dollar that goes toward charismatic, winning messaging- whether it's in-house or for external consumption- comes back to you many times over in increased success- be it good word-of-mouth, higher quality product or bottom line revenues.

When speaking to a professional messaging specialist, especially those with an emphasis on humor, always ask to see samples of written work, for a variety of past clients. Many can claim to offer such a level of professional humor writing, to understand comedy, to have have created superior messaging products which have yielded outstanding results, but a precious few can show you the actual proof you can hold in your hand. And the proof, as they say, is in the pudding. Make sure your pudding is the sweetest- and funniest- it can be.

Monday, December 12, 2016

The Funniest Holiday Movie Ever

Here at Funny Biz Writers we enjoy comedy as much as the next person (maybe even more!) And when it comes to hilarious Holiday-related movies, Elf starring Will Ferrell pretty much tops our list!

Whether you're an elf or a giant or just a regular sized human, whenever you have a private or business event and need to make a fantastic impression, why not hire professional, proven comedy writers and comedic speech writers to custom create you a funny speech, presentation or roast that will knock your audience out of their seats? Ourt favorite Holiday movie might be Elf but if you hire Funny Biz Speech Writers, we promise, you will never come up short!

Now enjoy these hilarious movie clips and have a great Holiday!

Holidays are a Time for Friends, Family & Funny

The Holidays are an important time, but that doesn't mean that they have to be a completely SERIOUS time! Make everyone feel happier and better by incorporating some humor into your your holiday party, gathering or celebration. 

A customized year-end speech, going over the ins & outs and particulars of the last year is good, but even better is incorporating cutting-edge humor into the mix, in the form of hilarious punchlines relating to the content. Your friends, family, associates, employees or customers will love this kind of speech and will love you for using it!

You can also hire someone to custom create a personalized comedic novelty video featuring the most famous "celebrities" roasting members of your audience or just the particulars of your workplace or organization. 

Funny Biz Speech Writers specializes in both custom, personalized speech and roast writing, and in creating and producing custom, comedic novelty videos. We are the experts and have done 100's of such products for ecstatically happy clients from New Zealand to Toronto and Seattle. 

So this Holiday season, put some extra laughs into your stocking, add some real punch to the punch and trade in your gifts for guffaws. Everybody loves to laugh, even those people who don't know it yet!