Friday, October 13, 2017

How to Deliver a Great Funny Speech

Whatever the contents of the funny speech you are delivering, or the nature of the event in which you are delivering it, there are simple tips and tricks for the delivery- which is everything about the performance of the words separate from the written words themselves.

Whether you have written a funny speech yourself, or have used a professional funny speech writer, or comedy writer, whether it's for a wedding, anniversary, birthday or business event, or even a public or political function, with a little guidance regarding delivery, you can seriously up your speech-giving game, and powerful audience response will be the proof.

First of all, read through the speech text a few times. Start off reading it silently to yourself even, if you like. Then start reading it out loud, alone somewhere-- it could be an empty room, the backyard, a secluded sidewalk, on a hiking trail, it doesn't matter. Just become familiar with the words and rhythms of the text. Note the feel of the different parts- where is it dead serious setup, where are the lists of items, where are punchlines, where are the harsh roast jokes?

Sit down with a pen or pencil and underline sentences of note, words that you need to hit harder, or “bold underline” with your voice, as it were. Use arrows and side notes if need be to add sidebars or extra needed words, note specific emphasis you want to add with your voice. It could be an increase in volume, an uplift in your tone, a character voice, a snide panache. You may want to note (even if in your head) physical gestures, hand or body moves, You might make use of facial expressions that go with a certain line or word.

Study great comedic deliverers on YouTube or other platforms, just audio can help but video is preferable. For the basic building blocks of comedic delivery, start with comedians. For a dry, wry approach, watch some Steve Colbert, Ellen Degeneres, or David Letterman. For something with medium energy and animated style, look at Ricky Gervais, Jim Gaffigan or Jerry Seinfeld. For something even “bigger” and more energetic watch Louie CK, Bill Burr or Chris Rock. Think, compare, analyze and ask people you know- which style best suits you?

Now find and watch some great funny speeches on YouTube- whether they're professional speakers or just a guy delivering a fantastic wedding speech. Let it sink in, absorb the rhythms, attitude and emphasis of what parts that work incredibly well. Apply the template of what you have learned and absorbed from other effective speech delivery situations to the speech you have to give.

Practice it out loud using this new template of attitude, emphasis and timing, along with gestures and physicality, to take control and gain mastery over your own speech.

In general, timing requires an understanding and application of which words are much more important than other words, usually meaning that they deliver an unexpected twist, a left turn, what we call a punchline. You can and should hit punchlines hard.

Good timing also involves understanding when you can speed up slightly during certain lines or sentences- usually when you have to cram a relatively longer passage of “setup”, or dry straight information leading up to a funny payoff.

The last specific delivery tip I'll give is convincing yourself before you start performing your speech that you are by far the most important thing these people will be hearing all day or night. You need to carve out space for each single word you are saying, to a subtle extent. You never need to uncomfortably rush or cram words in as if apologizing for having to say them. If you slow it down a little bit and enunciate each word as if it carries essential weight, the audience will believe it. When you lead, they will follow. Say every word clearly and add a touch of drama to the performance. The hilarity will come in the words, the jokes. They will hit even harder when you act as if you're delivering the Declaration of Independence. Remember, this is a performance. Give yourself the permission to perform. And don't worry, you'll do GREAT!

If you want to guarantee that you have fantastic funny words to say with your new found speech delivery skills, hire a professional comedy speech writer like Adam (Me!) at Funny Biz Writers.