Monday, February 12, 2018

Politics Needs Humor More Than Ever

As if the political landscape wasn’t contentious and conflict-ridden enough to begin with, we are now in a time where political discussions and arguments can instantly turn into raw, ugly strife and ad hominem recriminations. One possible antidote to this unpleasantness is the use of intelligent, well-crafted humor in political messaging. A deft comedic touch when advertising a candidate or projecting a political platform or issue can make the listener more open and receptive to the underlying message, and more generally appreciative of the “opponent” even if the views aren’t agreed with. The right kind of humor can lessen animosity and contribute to a kinder, gentler society.

Funny Biz Speech Writers has written jokes for a major presidential candidate for their appearance on a late night TV talk show and a video script for a statewide political candidate creating their first commercial. We have also written roasts of and by major politicians- current and retired- performed at well-attended gala events. Whether you are a political consultant, a candidate or someone involved in a political issue or event that needs to get the message out- by newspaper, online or in live speeches- a seasoned, versatile comedy writer with real-world experience can craft the kind of appropriate-yet-laugh-out-loud material that wins hearts and minds and equals votes. Now that’s just good common sense!